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This document describes the RGZ file format used in the Ragnarok Online client.


RGZ files are gzip-compressed patch files used to update GRF archives.


Each RGZ archive contains an array of file and directory entries that should be applied to the GRF:

EntryType01charDirectory entry ('d'), end-of-file symbol ('e'), or file entry ('f')
FileNameLength11uint8Length of the file name (string) that follows
FileName2variablestringNull-terminated, but at most FileNameLength bytes (with encoding: CP949)
FileSizevariablevariableuint32File entries only: Length of the file contents (blob) that follows
FileContentsvariablevariableblobOnly present for file entries; otherwise skip this field

This structure is repeated until the EOF entry 'e' with name "end" is encountered, which must always be the final entry.

See also