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This document lists all terms that have a special meaning in the context of this documentation, and Ragnarok Online in general.


An independent entity that exists in the game world.

Examples: Player character, monster, skill object, floor item

Aliases: Entity, Game Object, Ingame Actor, Game Actor

Area of Effect (AOE)

The area on a surface that is affected by a skill object. May refer to the effect itself, or the area it covers.

Examples: Storm Gust, Quagmire

Aliases: Ground Effect

Area of Interest (AOI)

A roughly circular area around an actor representing its field of view. The server only provides information inside this radius.


Harmful or beneficial effect that is tied to a specific ingame actor. Active for a limited time, the effect duration.

Examples: Blessing, Kyrie Eleison, Provoke

Aliases: Status Effect, Effect Status, Effect State (often abbreviated EFST)

Friend (Creature)

A creature that is of the same class and set to assist allies in combat when attacked by players in the creature's AOI.

Aliases: Ally


A creature that was summoned by another entity (usually a boss). Normally despawns alongside it and drops no loot.

Aliases: Slave

Parent (Creature)

The summoning creature (usually a boss) that the creature in question is subsequently "linked" to. See Minion.

Aliases: Master, Summoner


Any actor representing a "sentient" being, i.e, excluding artificial actors like skill objects or items (implementation detail).

Example: Player character, creature, NPC

Zone Server

The server application that runs the simulation of Ragnarok Online's persistent game world.

Aliases: World Server